Monday, June 18, 2012

All things Daddy

Each day I am thankful for my husband....  but it's always a fun time when we can come together and really let him know how special he really is.  This year has been especially fun since Jonah was able to participate in more crafts and activities as we prepared to celebrate the wonderful man I call my husband, also known as Daddy...  We liked to call this our "Sophisticated Fathers Day Celebration"

Monday, May 14, 2012

A Day Just for Mommy

Have you ever found yourself in that place where you are just overwhelmed with gratitude for the blessings that you have in your life!?  Truly I find myself in that place daily when I look at the children our precious Lord has blessed us with...  So blessed to be called their mother....

Monday, March 19, 2012

Kiyah's First Year

Well baby girl... you're almost officially one!  Hard to fathom the thought, but in a few short hours you will have been in our arms for one year now...  As I sit here writing down my thoughts, I can't help but remember back to a year ago at this time...  I was crawling into bed in hopes of getting some rest.  We had been having contractions off and on most of that Saturday.  I recall how disappointed I felt that you had not yet arrived.  I remember praying and surrendering my heart to rest in God's perfect peace... Little did I know that my water would soon break and you would be in our arms in less than nine hours!

Kiyah Lael, I love you more than words could adequately express.  The day of your arrival was more than just a day to note your birth, and more than a reminder that you've grown older...  Sweet girl the day you were born was a day that I witnessed God meet me in a place of utmost surrender...  I received more than your new life in my arms that day, I received new life in my heart...  I too celebrate the birth within me on the day you were born!  I am forever grateful to our Abba Father, the sustainer of life... I trust that He will continue to watch over you and fulfill all His promises in your life ~ Amen!

Love you forever, Mommy...

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

11 Months and Counting

Wow!  Hard to believe that our little Kiyah is eleven months old already....  Truly seems like yesterday I was holding you for the first time.  Kiyah your are such a joy in our lives.  The past eleven months have been filled with so many emotions, but the one that trumps them all is love!

Things your doing:
Saying:  Momma, DaDa, ball, bubba, and you like to make animal sounds... mostly lions
Foods you like:  LOVE watermelon :)  I can pull this stuff from the fridge and watch as the excitement floods over you
Starting to take longer naps... which is nice, considering you've never been one for naps.
Moved you into your big girl car-seat (which you did not care for in the beginning, but the idea is growing on you)
And of course growing!  Starting to grow out of your 9-12 month clothes...  Oh well, time to shop!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentines Day... One for the BOOKS!

Well very sad to say that this year's Valentine's Day celebrations were put on hold...  Mommy and Daddy were both so very sick...  Although I had great intentions and plans to have a fun day full of love, we had to lay those plans down so we could recover...  Maybe we'll have a re-do... We'll see.

Even though we were both very sick, daddy was still able to give me some of the sweetest gifts...

Monday, February 6, 2012

Our First Family Pet"s"

Yes, that's right... We are pet owners once again...  Even though I was a bit nervous with the next step in adding to our family, I laid down my fears and we took the plunge (ha) !  We have fish!!!  Not just one, and oh no we did not stop at two... We have FIVE!  Plus two Ghost Shrimp!  I'm not sure how we went from getting a very small tank with ONE fish to coming home a few weeks later with five, but I'm coming to terms that these little creatures are now part of our daily life... Jonah was thrilled to get them.  He had been earning tickets for months to get his "fish".  We'll see how they do!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Look who's three...

Our sweet boy... you're finally three!  We have been talking about your big birthday now for weeks!  Wondering how much you would understand about the significance of this wonderful day in our lives, and to our surprise you were very aware of the fact that on your birthday you were born.  We talked about how mommy and daddy were able to finally hold you and see you in the flesh for the very first time ever!  And during our account of your birth story you just cuddled in my lap and melted my heart...  Jonah my sweet love we recognize that you are in our lives because we are blessed! Blessed by God who loves us so much to be faithful to us in ways that only He could be... He continues to be the unfailing love in our lives.  As God continues to pen your life story we see how God is working in and through your life.  We are so grateful to be apart of this journey and excited to see His plans for you, our promise...